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A Legacy of Excellence in Cosmetic Care

The Center for Cosmetic Surgery has been a trusted name in Colorado for over two decades, led by board-certified surgeons and renowned experts known for prioritizing natural results and patient safety. With a philosophy centered on individualized care and meticulous attention to detail, they’ve helped countless patients achieve their desired aesthetic transformations. Building on this legacy, Rejuvenate MedSpa was created to bridge the gap between surgical results and high-quality skincare, offering non-invasive treatments and maintenance plans that extend the benefits of cosmetic surgery.

Meet Our Medical Directors

Dr. Andrew Wolfe and Dr. Steven Vath, board-certified plastic surgeons at The Center for Cosmetic Surgery, are at the heart of SkinLab Denver’s vision. Their expertise in surgical and non-surgical aesthetic solutions has earned them a reputation for precision, safety, and personalized care, fostering a culture of trust and excellence. Their commitment to patient-centered care ensures that each individual receives the highest level of treatment, empowering clients to achieve beautiful, natural-looking results in a supportive, welcoming environment.

Center for Cosmetic Surgery team

The Center for Cosmetic Surgery

The Center for Cosmetic Surgery, led by highly skilled, board-certified plastic surgeons, is dedicated to delivering exceptional aesthetic transformations with a compassionate, patient-centered approach. With locations in Golden and Cherry Creek, Colorado, the center specializes in a full spectrum of surgical and non-surgical treatments, including advanced breast, body, and facial procedures. With a commitment to safety, innovation, and artistry, The Center for Cosmetic Surgery uses the latest techniques and technologies to ensure natural, beautiful results that reflect each patient’s unique goals.

Rejuvenate Medspa

Rejuvenate MedSpa

Rejuvenate MedSpa, with locations in Golden, Cherry Creek, and Colorado Springs, Colorado, is a trusted destination for advanced aesthetic treatments, offering a wide range of non-surgical options to help clients look and feel their best. Our highly trained providers combine science-backed technology with personalized care to deliver transformative results in a warm and welcoming environment. From rejuvenating facials and chemical peels to injectables and laser treatments, every service is customized to meet each client’s unique skincare goals. At Rejuvenate MedSpa, we’re committed to enhancing natural beauty with treatments that restore, refresh, and revitalize, helping you achieve a confident, radiant glow.